Is it a matter of choice?

It turns out that San Francisco banned most of McDonald’s Happy Meals as they are now served in today… of course this is a subject that stirs a lot of controversy, different opinions and discussions…

Some people feel very strong about the matter because they believe people should be able to make their own choices and once the government comes and take control of it you are being “dominated” and your freedom of choice is being taken away. I get it and I am all for freedom of choice.

My problem with this situation is:

1) We are dealing with kids! They don’t know what’s best for them. Yes, the parents should be the ones making the choice for the kids but are they really? Parents are too tired after a day of hard work to argue with their kids about good nutrition, for putting up with temper tantrum and for arriving home and cooking a home made meal. Sorry, I know it’s not ALL parents etc but if parents were in control of their kids nutrition we would not be dealing with such a big problem with kids obesity and diabetes!

2) Are we really choosing our food our are we just addicted to it? It’s become more clear everyday that the junk food is engineered to make us eat more of it, the power of addiction of these food are compared to any other drug! When you are dealing with addiction you are not giving the addicted person choice, you are giving them opportunity to make better choices and creating ways for them to stay away from their weakness. (read this interesting article about food addiction)

The way I see is that this so called ban is being exaggerated (as always) and if you read into what they’ve done I see them taking away the incentive (the toy) from the junk food and instead adding the incentive into the better choice (that includes the fruit and the veggie) in the hopes to make it attractive and maybe, finally making it a “Happy Meal”!

“forbid restaurants from offering a free toy with meals that contain more than set levels of calories, sugar and fat.”

“also require restaurants to provide fruits and vegetables with all meals for children that come with toys. restaurants may include a toy with a meal if the food and drink combined contain fewer than 600 calories, and if less than 35% of the calories come from fat.”

Here to articles for you to read, the one reporting about the ban,0,5438230.story

and another one with a different opinion than mine “Hands off our Happy Meals”

What’s your opinion about it? I would love to hear it 🙂

In closing I want to mention a great point that our CEO at Herbalife, Michael O. Johnson made to us at the L.A. Extravaganza…

“On my desk, I have a small plaque with the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote, “The first wealth is health.” In terms of health, half the world is dieting and half of it is starving—we can help with both. Tell me why a shake full of good proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy carbs is called a “meal replacement,” and a burger, fries and soda is called a “meal.” The world is upside down about what qualifies as nutrition but becoming more educated over time. “

Interesting standards we have nowadays, is it? Gives you something to think about…