
I was born in Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo BRAZIL 🙂 but for some life surprise I “ended up” in Canada. Now I live in Lethbridge, AB since June 2006.

After almost 4 years in Canada today life is getting on track… I am working with what I love that is helping people to achieve their goals. I started the Lethbridge 1st Weight Loss Challenge back in January 2009, that year I personally ran 19 weight loss challenge groups and helped people lose over 2800 lbs (all together) and paid $8500 in cash prizes!!!

Today I work out of my nutrition club and my goal is to have more clubs and challenges openning up so we will be able to help and reach out to even a bigger number of people and have a even higher impact in peoples health.

So, this Blog is a space for me to share some of my favorite subjects that are in the area of Health & Nutrition, Personal Development, Books, Cooking, really anything that I find interesting on my day to day life 🙂 and of course a bit about Herbalife too.

Welcome, I hope you enjoy it and come back often!


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